Sunday, March 15, 2009

Glad She is So Darn Cute

Last night was a bad night. Leah went to bed at 9:30. Not bad. Then she woke up at 2am and I finally got her back to sleep at 4:30 only to have her wake up 15 mins later. She had to do her diaper business. I thought, great, a reason for waking up…perfect! Changed her diaper and tried to get her back to sleep. She went back to sleep around 6:00 and woke up 45mins later! My mom was up and went to get her. We couldn’t believe how little she slept. Then at 9:30 she went down for a nap which only lasted 1 hour. Her nap was as long as it took me to get her to sleep. I woke up to her on the floor. Yes, she fell off the bed. I will not be winning the “Mother of the Year award.” The bed is practically on the floor so she didn’t get hurt. She plowed through the pillows I had stacked around her.

We didn’t think anything else could go wrong until I had both kids in the tub and the lights went out. We grabbed them out of the tub and thank goodness they were only out for 30 mins. Davis thought he had a great idea and proceeded to grab a small travel flashlight so he could light my way to the bathroom!

We then tried to venture out and got as far as throwing the trash out. We bundled everyone in snowsuits and jackets, stepped outside to frigid conditions. Leah had a hard time catching her breathe and was crying.

We are thinking of having my mom go back home with Davis. The earliest she could leave would be Wednesday because of the Visa issue. She still doesn’t have her passport back. Davis is still not himself, although my mom feels better….at least as far as her stomach is concerned! I think the constant commotion around here is wearing her out! Heck it’s wearing me out as well! I told my mom that she only had 3 weeks of this and I have a lifetime!

We have yet to figure out Leah’s schedule and sleeping habits and Davis is just a sick 3 yr old. Things will get better once she is eating and sleeping well and becomes more predictable. Davis is usually fine when he is not sick. I have yet to ever see him this bad. He put on 2 pair of underwear today because 1 was falling off him. He has lost so much weight.

Fast forward a few hours and things got better. Yes, I can’t believe I am about to say this but…..both kids are sleeping! Horray! It’s time for me to go. Gotta take a rest when we can!


Unknown said...

Good hours, and bad hours, how quickly things can change! The kids seem to be enjoying e/o and that is the best positive I can find in this sickness mess. Is Leah teething at all? or just too excited to be with her family! maybe she is used to noise around her in the babyhouse when she sleeps, is there a fan in the bathroom you can turn on? I don't know. When you get home, you will get on a schedule for sure. Hang in there! Hope things settle down soon,
love, Lynne

Regina said...

First of all, Happy Gotcha Day!!! Second of all, oh my gosh I hope everyone is feeling better! Poor things...what misery. (I also had a mildly "rumbly" stomach on the flight home and I cannot imagine if it had been full-blown -- especially with hauling Milo.) Be very careful with what you eat -- they use tap water to make some of the dishes there, so you can pick something up even in the food, not just the water. Did you bring any Cipro? That's the magic pill.

The first 2 weeks after getting custody is often the hardest. Your child is not on her normal schedule, she is often a little freaked out and in mourning, mixed with being very excited and over-stimulated by all the new things. It WILL get a little better while you are there -- just keep discovering new tricks and being strong and creative!

I had no idea about any other markets by the stadium. Looks like we missed out too. So glad you had the Belgian couple and great map to help you!

I sincerely hope the rest of your journey is far easier than what you've experienced so far. My thoughts are with you in these trying days! It will be all over soon.
