Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

I am closing out this blog with this last Halloween post. After this post, I am making this blog into a book for Leah. makes blogs into bound books and it looks very professional.

We had a great Halloween! Davis was Raphael from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Leah was a witch. Leah didn't have clue what was going on, but Davis was a maniac this Halloween! We had a party beforehand and went Trick or Treating until 10pm! We used my brothers trailer to pull the kids around from house to house so they didn't have to walk so much. Leah didn't make it that long so Milon took her home around 8pm. We have so much candy I think it will take us until next Halloween to eat it all!

Leah Update: She is doing great! She is very happy and laughs very easily. She is starting to run and her speech is incredible! She can repeat anything you say..including sentences! She picks up the phone and says "Gigi where are you?" Her modeling ability is incredible. I find her copying things I am doing without even noticing. The other day, I was itching my elbow and I look down and she is doing it also! The funniest is when I do push ups on the floor and I look and she is trying to do them also!

She loves stuffed animals and even takes her baby dolls out of the play stroller to put the stuffed animals in! She understands basic commands and is very good at throwing things away! I find all kinds of things in the trash can, most of which shouldn't be in there. Davis and Leah are starting to really play together! They chase each other around the house giggling. She loves to play hide and go seek and thinks it's great when Greta (dog) chases her around the house. The dog is really after the food in her hand, but she thinks she is chasing her!

She is much more social and is totally over her shyness. In fact, at the grocery store she yells "Bye" to everyone we pass and blows them kisses! It is great to see her making eye contact and being social. She walks up to people she knows and says "up" to be held. She loves her Poppa. In fact, I think she likes him the best of everyone! We can't figure out if she just likes saying his name! She bosses him around like crazy! She yells "Poppa" and then babbles some long sentence that sounds like she is telling him off!

Her height has exploded and she is in the 25% now! Her weight, well not so much. She is gaining but it is much slower than I had expected. When she eats, she does great but she is still rather picky. She loves her cheesy eggs and I am now putting heavy cream in them as well as her milk! Her hair is so silky and curly! I can straighten it if I brush it but she has rings of curls!

Everyday, Milon and I say how lucky we are! We could not have picked (or made ourselves) a more perfect daughter! She is beautiful on the outside and inside! It is so much fun to start seeing her little personality shine through and it is so much fun to watch her turning into a little toddler! We are very blessed and proud of both our children!


Crea-Vie said...

What a beautiful update of Leah and your family! Good to hear she's doing so great. And she has already so much hair! We also tell eachother we couldn't made ourselves such a wonderful daughter.
Enjoy and hope to hear from you!
Evi, Michel and Mila from Belgium

Alysa said...

Wonderful update! Leah is adorable and sounds like she has just blossomed with the love of her family! So happy for all of you.