Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Happy Easter!

Just wanted to post a quick note to say all is well in the Hill Family. Leah is adjusting wonderfully. Everyday we see an improvement in her adjusting to Milon, Davis and being away from me. She loves Greta (the dog) the most. She will leave the room at any given time to crawl after her! She is now starting to explore the various rooms in the house and even played with Davis in his room for 15 minutes! She sleeps and eats like a champ! She even gained half a pound in 1 week! She is now drinking from a sippy cup and only wants food that she can eat by herself.
We are having a combination Welcome Home party/Happy Birthday party for Leah on the 25th. Her birthday is actually the 26th but it works out better to have it on a Saturday.
I love having two children! My day is very busy and there is no time for boredom! I see a third in our future??? Maybe another little miracle??
With much thought, I have decided to make the blog public. I learned so much from reading others blogs and would like to be able to share our story to help other adoptive parents.

1 comment:

the-mamos said...

I'm so glad to hear everything is going well! I will agree that having 2 kids is great and definitely keeps you busy!! I love seeing the pictures, too!

Hope to meet Leah soon!

Take care,