Thursday, March 27, 2008

Trip Decision

We are still torn as to what to do about travel. We can make one long trip which we could be in country 7-8 weeks. Or make 2 trips.

Prospective parents are required to have a minimum 14 days of personal contact with the child before formally submitting an adoption application. This means that we must stay in the town where our child is living and visit her on a regular basis for 2 weeks. Once the bonding time is completed, we can formally apply to the court for adoption. We then can chose to go home and come back a few weeks later, or stay the entire time. I am not sure Milon can take that much time off from work! We are of course are bringing my 2yr old son. I wouldn't be able to leave him for even 2 weeks! My problem is I know myself well enough that I am not going to want to leave her in an orphanage with no contact with me for 4-6 weeks! Kids change so fast that even in a week I could miss something new she has done! Plus, It is a great time to bond with her before taking her away from everything familiar to her! My mom has offered to go over with us and stay so that might be an option also. Or Davis and I will just stay.

1 comment:

Nicole - Raising Animals said...

You're added to my blog-roll now so I'll be following along!