Monday, March 2, 2009

Day 5 Bonding

I took a break from the morning bonding visit and enjoyed a quiet apartment. Milon is leaving on Thursday (we think) and I won’t have a break till we get home on April 3rd! I can say that the bonding visits are getting harder. We love seeing her everyday but it is very hard to bond with a child while playing on the couch. She was sweating so bad this afternoon in the snowsuit they have her in. I think they are trying to force a fever in hope she gets over a cold faster. Meanwhile, she has heat rash all over her neck and forehead from sweat. There is another Russian couple in the bonging room with us in the afternoon. They are bonding with a 5 month old Russian boy. You can see them in the background. They don't speak any English so it is hard to communicate with them.

The appeal process is proving to be challenging for many reasons. We have exhausted all sources of entertainment for Davis and Leah! On one hand going to the bonding sessions for 4 hours everyday kills the time in the day, and on the other hand they are becoming excruciatingly boring! I am not sure if only going to 1 bonging session a day would be better or worse! Today marks Day 5 of the 15 day bonding period. Oh my, 10 more days to go!

It is so cold outside that is makes really doing anything hard. We have Davis bundled up in thermals, sweatshirt, scarf tied over his face, 2 pair of gloves and a blanket on him! Today snowed most of the day although it was very light.

We walked to the market that is across the street. It was much more stroller friendly than the mosque mall. They had lots of stores on 2 levels. In the middle was fruit, desserts, and meat. All the meat was lying out on the counter with non refrigeration! Needless to say we didn’t buy any! I am still amazed none of us have gotten sick since we have been here! I did buy Leah a pair of leggings to put on under clothes to keep warm. I also bought a pair of booties to donate to the orphanage when we pick her up. I am hoping they will let me keep a pair of the ones she has been wearing in the babyhouse.


Alysa said...

Poor baby all bundled up like that! I bet you can't wait to get her out of there and into some reasonable clothes! I can't bundle Brady up at all even now. He gets very cranky very fast if he is too hot and he gets heat rash on his neck too. I think it goes back to his babyhouse days.

Unknown said...

Hang in there! This time which seems so long now, is so short in the longterm reality of it all! I don't know what I would do on a couch all day either, teach her peekaboo with a blanket. I remember the day Ella did her own peek-a-boo! Books, sing songs (wheels on the bus, abc's), watch Davis color, I don't know if any of that helps. Anyhoo, remember why you are there and it won't be forever. Just think, you are not having to clean your whole house!:) Just an apartment. We are so looking forward to you all coming home, take care, keep warm and tell me if there is anything I can give your Mom to bring you!
love ya, Lynne