Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The End is Near

I am already starting to worry about the 19 hour plane ride home. Leah is very active, let’s just call it that. There is no grass growing under her feet! I have tested Benadryl on her and it didn’t seem to make her sleepy. Think babies can take Ambien? Valium? Just kidding. Well, really I am not. I got a taste of what the flight was going to be like from the 15 minute car ride home from the mall! She couldn’t sit still! I do remember Davis being like this also and was always jealous when I saw a mom sitting with a quiet baby. I just thought one out of my two children would sit still! I need to switch my focus to Milon’s advise. “Think of it like childbirth, it will eventually end.” Good advise, but I say “Where’s my epidural?”

Leah woke up with a new tooth this morning! Hmmm, could this explain some of the whinning we have been having lately? We shall see, although I she has 25 more to go!

Today we went to the Green Market with Kate, Elise and her 3 yr old Sabina. The Green Market is full of small shops and fruits and vegetables. I bought a couple toys to occupy Leah on the plane home. We then went to the Zoom Store and Kate helped us by some souvenirs. Leah let Kate hold her today without crying! She was actually smiling and laughing with her. Yeah, she is already starting to become more secure. Elise’s new daughter Sabina is a total gem. She is always smiling and sits so well in the stroller! She is really a very sweet girl and makes me want to adopt a 3 yr old! She just said goodbye to all of her nannies and friends yesterday morning! I can’t believe how well she is doing with all of the new sounds, faces and experiences she is having.

This is my last full night in Almaty! I went to the grocery store today and picked up a bottle of wine to celebrate and will have pasta and watch Sex and the City!

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