Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reinforcements Have Been Mobilized

I spent the day cleaning the apartment. We feel like we are newlyweds waiting for our parents to come see our first apartment! I have tracked my mom’s flights and so far everything has been on time. It is strange to feel like a worried parent of my mother! We are keeping our schedule open for the next few days because I am sure this trip will wipe her out.

Milon is trying to find the perfect mixer for vodka for my mom! We tested out the cherry juice mixed with vodka last night. Milon is trying cranberry juice tonight. Does anyone know if you can buy Snowqueen Vodka in the US? If not, he wants to bring some home. I am not a huge vodka fan even if it is made in Kazakhstan! But don’t worry, we found some white wine that I like!

We have decided because of my parents’ complete generosity that we are going to give them 2 plane tickets where ever they want to go. We still have over 150k airline miles and after we have 2 kids I don’t see us going anywhere any time soon! I still can’t believe how much Milon use to travel and how he never complained about it! Milon changed his flights and will leave Aktobe on Sunday, arriving in RDU Monday and going to work on Tuesday!

Davis and I have discovered our new addiction. Downstairs in the small convenient store they have these pancake things that are thinner than pancakes, but thicker than crepes. They are delicious and go great with the maple syrup I brought! We have eaten them for lunch 2 days in a row!

Davis has hijacked our computer. He found a game of polar bear golf that he loves. We should have brought the other computer because now we are all taking turns on this one.

Leah watched Baby Einstein today. She seemed interested and watched the entire video. Although, she got really excited swinging her arms and laughing when Tom and Jerry came on! So much for the intellectual videos.

She has 7 more nights in the babyhouse. We can’t wait to take her to our apt. We had to leave a visit early a few days ago and the blonde nanny we like waved us goodbye as we tried to hand her back. Boy, I wish we could just take her! I can’t wait to give her a bath. It’s amazing how strange she smells. She smells like a combination between potatoes and sour milk with a little sweat mixed in!

We have nicknames for all of her caregivers. I am sure they have nicknames for us as well, but it is funny to call them their nicknames in front of them! There is one called “Blondie.” She is a nurse in the babyhouse and she is our favorite. She spends a lot of time with us rambling even though she knows we have no idea what she is saying. For the most part, though it is amazing how much we do get! Then there is “Skirt lady.” This nanny is the other nurse on staff. She works when Blondie is off. She wears the same pink shirt and jean skirt everyday. She is also very nice and always gives Davis attention. Then there is “Grumpy.” This lady never smiles and always has a pout on her face. We dislike her the most out of all the nannies. Then there is “Goldie” because she has so many gold teeth! It’s all the rage here in Kazakhstan! Thanks Evi and Michel for giving us a name for her! She does seem very friendly and we all had a big laugh when she scared the mess out of Davis today. There is a door in the bonding room that makes a loud echoing noise. Davis was running after his ball by the door and she opened it and scared him to death! Then there is the “short fat one” that used to work at night but we haven’t seen this trip. We really liked her as well and she is the one that said Leah was her favorite!

We also have a nickname for one of the security guards in our apt. We call her “Newman” from Seinfeld because she looks just like him! We will try to get a picture of her! Yes, this might be mean but hey, we are just trying to have a little fun.

I am amazed how much I can write in this blog when I complain how boring our days are! I am excited for my mom to experience this adventure, because, well it is quite an adventure!

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